AMARG is divided into numerous areas which are used for a variety of different purposes. The west side (to the west of Kolb Road) of the base contains mainly storage and maintenance areas, while the east side (to the east of Kolb Road) contains the RIT areas.The storage areas tend to contain large numbers of the same aircraft types for longer periods of time. The maintenance areas are more volatile and aircraft tend not to stay in one place for very long. The RIT areas usually contain a mixture of types, with individual aircraft in various states of completeness and they are much more volatile with a lot of regular re-organiszation and disposals.
West Side - Non-Maintenance
{slider Areas}Area 1
Area - 1InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 2
Area - 2InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 3
Area - 3InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 4
Area - 4InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 5
Area - 5InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 6
Area - 6InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 7
Area - 7InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 8
Area - 8InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 9
Area - 9InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 10
Area - 10InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 11
Area - 11InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 12
Area - 12InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 13
Area - 13InventoryLong term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 14
Area - 14InventoryLong term storage area.
Inventory for this area now includes aircraft in area 14TEST |
Area 15
Area - 15InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 16
Area - 16InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 17
Area - 17InventoryShort term storage area.
Area 18
Area - 18InventoryLong term storage area.
Area 19
Area - 19InventoryShort term storage area.
Previously contained;
Area 20
Area - 20InventoryU.S. Air Force Museum storage area
Celebrity Row
Area - Celebrity RowInventoryDisplay lines viewable from Pima Tour bus.
West Side - Maintenance
{slider Areas}D Row
Area - D RowInventoryParking area on main Arrivals Ramp.
E Row
Area - E RowInventoryParking area on main Arrivals Ramp.
G Row
Area - G RowInventoryParking area adjoining main Departure Ramp.
Flight Lines
Area - Flight LinesInventoryAircraft flight preparation area.
Flush Farm
Area - Flush FarmInventoryPreservation preparation area.
Kolb Road
Area - Kolb RoadInventoryDisplay area at Kolb Gate entrance.
Lube Rack
Area - Lube RackInventoryAircraft lubrication area.
Maintenance Shelter
Area - Maintenance ShelterInventoryMain covered maintenance area.
Maintenance Shelter - South
Area - Maintenance Shelter SouthInventoryParking area to the north of the shelter.
Wash Rack
Area - Wash RackInventoryAircraft cleaning area.
East Side - RIT (Reclamation Insurance Type)
{slider Areas}Area 21
Area - 21InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 22
Area - 22InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 23
Area - 23InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 24
Area - 24InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 25
Area - 25InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 26
Area - 26InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 27
Area - 27InventoryReclamation Area.
Area 27HOLD
Area - 127HOLDInventorySpecial Storage area.
Area 28
Area - 28InventorySpecial Storage area.