Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Established April 1950
Base NAS Jacksonville
Tail Code AB
Squadron Name Maulers

Squadron History

Sea Control Squadron 32 was commissioned as Air Anti-Submarine Squadron THIRTY TWO (VS-32) in April 1950, flying the TBM Avenger. The units first deployment was carried out aboard the USS Palau in 1950, from the units first homeport at NAS Norfolk, VA. In 1951 the unit carried out the first of what would be a number of base moves, to NAS Quonset Point, RI. In 1954 VS-32 transitioned to the Grumman S-2F Tracker which it operated through until 1975. October 1973 saw the second base change for the unit, this time to NAS Cecil Field, FL. The third and final base move occurred when Cecil Field closed in 1997, this time to NAS Jacksonville, FL.

VS-32 started it's transition from the piston powered S-2F Tracker to the turbofan powered S-3A Viking during August 1975. As with all of the other S-3 units the arrival of the Viking brought about a tremendous improvment in Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Warfare capabilities, with vastly improved performance, range, armament and computer systems. These capabilities were improved yet again in 1989 when VS-32 transitioned to the S-3B, this was completed by the summer of 1990. In September 1990 VS-32 participated in the first ever integrated Air Wing Strike training Exercise at NAS Fallon, NV. During this four week event the squadron concentrated on it's use of the S-3B's Electronic Surveillance Measures (ESM) system as with the change of aircraft came a change of operational role, to that of Early Warning.

One month later in October 1990 VS-32 became the first carrier based S-3B squadron to launch a Harpoon missile at sea

In February 1991, VS-32 deployed to the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea in support of DESERT STORM operations. The squadron carried out Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) missions over Northern Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. During these operations VS-32 became the first S-3 squadron in history to achieve an Anti-Surface kill on an enemy vessel. LCDR Bruce Bole, flying an armed surface reconnaissance flight, earned this honor and historic combat milestone.

In 1993, VS-32 became the first S-3B squadron to participate in Adriatic over land missions, supporting DENY FLIGHT and SHARP GUARD in Bosnia-Herzegovina, UNISOM-II in Somalia, and OPERATION SUPPORT DEMOCRACY over Haiti. 1996 saw VS-32 participating in DECISIVE EDGE and DECISIVE ENHANCEMENT operations over the former Republic of Yugoslavia. These operations included the support of joint and combined enforcement of a U.N. mandated no-fly zone over the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

On October 3, 1997 VS-32 deployed from NAS Cecil Field for the very last time, on their return to the USA the squadron moved into their new homeport at NAS Jacksonville, FL.

Between 1973 and 2000 VS-32 had completed an impressive number of deployments including three Mediterranean deployments aboard USS John F. Kennedy; Shakedown operations with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Nimitz, USS Carl Vinson, USS Theodore Roosevelt and USS Harry S Truman; and Mediterranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean deployments aboard USS America and USS George Washington.

In between major operational deployments VS-32 were always heavily involved in training operations. These operations were not only to hone their own weaponary and electronic skills, VS-32 also provided valuable support and expertise on joint exercises with other US Navy units and foreign military forces around the world.

In August 2003, the squadron was deployed to the Arabian Gulf in support of the global war on terrorism onboard the USS Enterprise (CVN 65). The unit returned home to NAS Jacksonville 6 months later, on February 25, 2004.

In their time VS-32 has served aboard numerous ships, including those in the following list;

USS Saipan (CVE 48)
USS Gilbert Island (CVE 107)
USS Salerno Bay (CVE 110)
USS Siboney (CVE 112)
USS Sicily (CVE 118)
USS Mindoro (CVE 120)
USS Palua (CVE 122)
USS Essex (CVS 9)
USS Intrepid (CVS 11)
USS Randolph (CVS 15)
USS Wasp (CVS 18)
USS Leyte (CVS 32)
USS Lake Champlain (CVS 39)
USS Tarawa (CVS-40)
USS Cabat (CVL 28)
USS Wright (CVL 49)
USS Lexington (CVT 16)
USS Oriskany (CV 34)
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA 42)
USS Coral Sea (CVA 43)
USS Forrestal (CVA 59)
USS Saratgoa (CVA 60)
USS America (CV 66)
USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67)
USS Nimitz (CVN 68)
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69)
USS George Washington (CVN 73)
USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75)
USS Enterprise(CVN 65)