Monday, February 10, 2025
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A few notes about our database and how to access the information in it.

Multiple Pages

- The list may be divided into several pages if there are a large number of records retrieved from your search. If this is the case you will find a list of available page numbers at the bottom of the page, below the listing. Simply click the page numbers to navigate to them.

Submitting Comments

- We welcome anyone leaving their comments and/or experiences on our database pages. Comments can be posted for a type of aircraft or can be posted for a particular aircraft.

- If you would like to leave some comments or experiences against a certain aircraft click the serial number and you will find form at the bottom of the page on which can submit them.

Reading Comments

- If there is an icon displayed next to the serial number there have been comments or experiences submitted for that particular aircraft. Click the icon and that information will be displayed for you to read.

Please note:

This database is very much a work in progress. Where a destination is specified as 'Unknown' we are investigating these records and the correct dispositions will be applied when known. If you can provide any corrections to the data or have any additional information that can fill any holes in the data then we would love to hear from you.